Erectile Dysfunction: What Men Should Know & How It Can Be Treated

Sex may seem like quite an intense activity, with raging heartbeats and actively moving bodies. But the truth is, sex is actually an activity that has numerous benefits for the human body. Including the reduction of stress symptoms.

Sex is also a form of physical exercise and can improve heart health and, of course, help to maintain a strong bond between you and your partner. During sex, the bodies of both partners go through numerous chemical reactions, nerve impulses, and other functions.

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If anything in these processes goes wrong, then sex may not be pleasurable in some cases.

A particular issue that men often face is erectile dysfunction. A disorder that causes penetration to be short lived or, in some cases, completely impossible.

In this guide, we are going to focus on erectile dysfunction, including what it is, what causes the disorder, what symptoms to look out for and what men can expect when they diagnose with such a condition.



*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

We will also take a look at the various treatments that can be administered to help reduce the severity of the condition and restore a more potent erection in the bedroom.

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

Let’s start by discussing what erectile dysfunction is and also take a quick look at how it affects a man’s life, as well as how many men experience this particular condition. Erectile dysfunction[1]

Let’s start by discussing what erectile dysfunction is and also take a quick look at how it affects a man’s life, as well as how many men experience this particular condition. Erectile dysfunction, as the name suggests, is a disorder that causes problems with a man’s erectile function – in other words, his ability to have normal, rigid erections.

When a man has erectile dysfunction, he may still be able to achieve an erection, which may be rigid at times, but the erection may go away too soon during sexual activity; thus causing sex to end before the man and his partner was able to be thoroughly satisfied.

This is a milder type of erectile dysfunction since the man can still become aroused. When erectile dysfunction is more severe, the man might not be able to achieve an erection at all.

It comes to diagnosing erectile dysfunction and considering the symptoms; it is important to first know that experiencing the symptoms associated with the sexual disorder is considered normal when it occurs occasionally.



*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

A man faces with a stressful event in his life; he may be unable to reach an erection that is firm enough for sex or be unable to maintain his erection long enough to have sex due to stress.

When the problem occurs frequently, however, then the man is exhibiting signs of erectile dysfunction at a level that is diagnosed medically.

Clinical Study for Erectile Dysfunction

A report by the Boston University School of Medicine[2] explains that at least 10% of all men that fall within the age range of 40 to 70 experience severe erectile dysfunction symptoms, with many of these men being unable to achieve an erection at all.

When looking at the same age range, an extra 25% of men also experience erectile dysfunction symptoms at a moderate level – this means they may still be able to achieve an erection. But their erection is either not firm enough to have sex or won’t last long enough for both partners to reach orgasm.

The report also states that the disorder tends to affect more men as age increases, with as much as 49% of men aged 70 being unable to achieve a rigid erection at all.

What is The Most Common Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms?

Most Common ED Symtoms
When a man realizes that he is unable to achieve an erection during sexual stimulation. It may be embarrassing and affect his self-esteem considerably. Unfortunately, some men tend to go into a panic when this happens to them for the first time, immediately thinking the worst.

For this reason, Important to note that not being able to gain a firm erection or maintain an erection in infrequent periods is relatively normal. When the problem persists, then it should be thought of as a call for concern.

Thus, if a man is unable to achieve an erection or maintain his erection, or, in some cases, not able to gain an erection that is hard enough for intercourse, for an extended period of time – such as when the problem persists every time he participates in sexual activities for a month – then he should see a doctor to examine the problem.
If the man experiences these symptoms only once a month or once every second month. For example, then it might simply be due to stressful days. Still, a general checkup at a doctor could do no harm.

What are The Psychological Effects Of Erectile Dysfunction?

The effects that erectile dysfunction has on a man is often only considered to a physical point, and people often forget to consider the fact that this particular disorder may cause problems that extend past the physiological well-being of the affected man.

According to Urology Health[3], men who are diagnosed with erectile dysfunction – either by a doctor or by simply considering the symptoms that they exhibit – tend to experience several psychological adverse effects as well. Their self-esteem is often affected in a bad way.



*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

They may also develop performance anxiety, which means they will start to panic when they are involved in a sexual activity with someone, as they would not know whether or not they would be able to have sex due to the symptoms they have been experiencing.

The disorder also adds additional stress to the affected man’s life and often leads to the development of depression.
The psychological effects that erectile dysfunction may cause “backfire” on condition as well. For example, when the man wants to initiate in sexual intercourse and experiences performance anxiety. It would cause his problems “down below” to become worse.

Depression has also been linked to erectile dysfunction, which means developing erectile dysfunction and then developing depression due to the disorder will also further aggravate the disorder.

What are The Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction?

Andropause Detail
Erectile dysfunction is a disorder that develops due to an underlying cause in the majority of cases. One of the factors that contribute to this problem most significantly is age. We see a rising trend in the prevalence of erectile dysfunction as we move up the age line.

With andropause, which means a deficiency of circulating testosterone in the body, being a problem that associate with age. It would think that the condition is related to andropause.

In reality, however, only a very small number of erectile dysfunction caused by a deficiency in testosterone. In most cases, the disorder caused by another underlying medical issue.

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases[4] reports that many underlying diseases can cause erectile dysfunction symptoms to become present. These include diseases that affect the blood vessels and the heart, diabetes, high blood pressure, multiple sclerosis, kidney diseases and Peyronie’s disease.

If a man’s penis, prostate, pelvis, spinal cord or bladder had been injured, it may also contribute towards erectile dysfunction, and injury caused by a treatment that was administered to deal with prostate cancer may also have an effect on a man’s erectile function.

In addition to these, certain lifestyle factors also contribute to the development of erectile dysfunction. Alcohol and drug abuse, as well as the use of tobacco products, in relation with this disorder.

We should also note that mental illnesses, such as depression, as we have noted previously. It can also affect a man’s erectile function since an erection essentially starts within the brain.

How Erectile Dysfunction Treated?

Erectile Dysfunction Can Be Treated
We have all heard of Viagra, the most popular drug used to treat erectile dysfunction. The drug contains a chemical called Sildenafil, which causes the amount of blood flows towards the penis to increase. The level at which blood flow increases depends on the strength of the dose, which may range between 25mg and 100mg.[5] reports that Viagra generally takes 30 minutes to work and then causes the user to experience an erection upon sexual stimulation. While Viagra the most popular treatment used for men with erectile dysfunction, it most certainly is not the safest option.

When taking Viagra, men may experience many side-effects[6], such as back pain, nasal congestion, abnormal vision, an upset stomach, headaches, muscular pain and nausea, to name a few.

There are alternatives to Viagra that also directly assists with erectile dysfunction, but these drugs associated with various side-effects.

Fortunately, there are other ways to treat erectile dysfunction. Since an underlying medical health concern often causes the condition. A doctor will start by analyzing the physical and mental well-being of the male patient.

This helps them determine what may be causing the problem and then they can address the health concern that is causing symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

For example, if depression is causing a man to experience these symptoms. It may help to get the mental illness treatment. Such as penis pumps and creams that can apply directly to the penis is also available on the market. You can also go through the PRIMO BLACK Review which may also help to deal with erectile dysfunction.

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Erectile dysfunction mostly affects older men. The symptoms of this sexual disorder can develop at a younger age as well. Its effects on the male body do not only affect physical health but also causes psychological symptoms such as depression.

Many treatments are available to treat this disorder, either directly or by addressing the particular health problem that is causing the symptoms to become present.

It is recommendable to start out by treating the underlying problem. This could help to avoid a potentially serious problem from developing in the near future.

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