What You Must Know About Male Sex & Masturbation Issues

Just like sexual intercourse, masturbation is an act that is considered natural and, for a lot of men out there, essential to their lives. Since a session of masturbation usually ends with ejaculation. Therefore, the act has been in relationships with some of the particular benefits scientific research as proven sex to offer a person. But there is still a lot of confusion about this particular topic and masturbation issues.

There are quite a lot of publications that revolves around the subject of masturbation issues, with some claiming that this act is all-natural and perfectly normal, but others claiming that masturbation can cause havoc on a person’s life.

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In reality, there are some truths to both of these sides. But it is important to know exactly what factors are myths and what factors are real. Thus allowing men to enjoy this activity without having to worry about developing mental health issues or causing excessive damage to their penis.

In this post, we are going to take a closer look at important facts that men should know about masturbation issues. We will look at some myths that are common, as well as consider some true factors about masturbation issues. Including both the benefits and potential drawbacks of this activity.

What are the Myths About Masturbation Issues?

Peripheral Nerve Damage
Let’s start our post by looking at some particularly common myths that are often around about masturbation.


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While some of these myths are put among the young men as part of their religion. While others are famous by media publications and individuals on internet forums that have no scientific evidence to back up to the claims they are making.

Psychology Today[1] explains that some of the most common myths that are in publications regarding masturbation include:

  • Masturbation can lead to the development of mental issues – Many publications will claim that masturbation issues cause men to experienced mental health issues. While there is one particular mental concern that should be noted. This would be guilt, which most often occurs amongst teenage boys when their religion prohibits them from masturbating.
  • Masturbation can make you “run out of sex” – Some publications also report that masturbating causes teens and young adults to quickly lose their interest and ability in sexual activities.No particular man has a specific amount of times he can ejaculate throughout his life since the testes continue to produce sperm.
  • Masturbation is “cheating” if you are in a serious relationship – Another relatively common claim made about masturbation is that a man is technically cheating on his partner if he masturbates while in a serious relationship. The truth is, masturbation is the very first type of sexual activity that a teenage boy experience in respect to his sexuality. And, it continues to be the “original” type of sexuality for men. Purple Rhino Review is one of the male sexual enhancement product which might be helpful to you. Masturbation Facts and Sttatistics info

    What is the Truth About Masturbation?

    Now that we have considered some popular myths and misbeliefs often described masturbation. We want to turn our focus to the real benefits and drawbacks that masturbation has been in relation with.

    It is important for men to realize myth from reality when it comes to masturbation, and to realize that they can enjoy this particular activity without feeling guilty, ashamed or fear to risk their mental or physical wellbeing.

    What are the Benefits of Masturbation for Men?

    Masturbation has been in relation with numerous benefits for the male body – both physically and, controversy to some beliefs, mentally. According to Men’s Health[2], one of the most important benefits of masturbation that men should be aware of is the fact that it helps assist with improving the hardness of their erections.

    Age equals reduced levels of muscle tone in the penis. But, through masturbation, pelvic floor muscles are strengthened, incontinence is prevented, and erectile quality is maintained. Furthermore, masturbation has also seen to help keep a man’s erection in an upright position.


    *All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

    Apart from the fact that masturbation may be a key to improved erections. Some evidence also suggests that masturbation may help men last longer during sexual intercourse.

    Men’s Health advises that we can use masturbation as a technique to help you last longer before reaching orgasm – practicing makes perfect. Time the period it takes you to ejaculate and aim for a longer period of time with every masturbation session.

    Other benefits that masturbation may offer men include:

    • Masturbation helps to boost the immune system through the reduction of cortisol. A hormone that has been in relation with numerous adverse effects on the human body.
    • Masturbation also helps to provide a significant improvement in a man’s mood, following ejaculation. Due to the release of oxytocin and dopamine, amongst other chemicals in the brain.
    • Some evidence has also suggested that men can reduce their risk of developing cancer by frequently ejaculating. This accounts for ejaculation through both sexual intercourse and masturbation, however.

    What are the Potential Drawbacks or Masturbation Issues for Men?

    Drawbacks of Masturbation for Men
    Even though we can experience, a large number of benefits from it. Men should be aware that there are some masturbation issues or side-effects to this activity. Especially when men masturbate excessively and fail to allow enough time in-between their masturbation sessions.

    According to Enki Relations[3], when masturbating too much prior to having sexual intercourse with a partner, it might make reaching orgasm and ejaculating with the sexual partner more difficult and can cause the man to take a significant amount of time before he is able to ejaculate again.

    It should also be taken a note of that, while masturbation has been linked to improvements in erectile function, chronic and excessive masturbation can lead to erectile problems, as well as the development of premature ejaculation, a condition where a man ejaculates too soon after penetrating his sexual partner. Furthermore, on some rare occasions, excessive masturbation may also lead to pain in the genital area.

    Read Next: What are the Side Effects of Excessive Masturbation?


    Masturbation is a natural act that millions of men perform on a regular basis. Unfortunately, certain religions believe that masturbation is not a pure act. And many other beliefs have been around this natural act.

    In this post, we aimed to provide a clarification on what is a myth and what is a reality. And we also looked at both the pros and cons that masturbation issues really has in store for men. While there are some potential drawbacks to masturbation issues. However, these particular negative effects usually only occur with excessive masturbation and under certain conditions. Verutum RX Review; which is a male enhancement supplement helps to improve sex drive.

    Image Credits
    Feature Image: Shutterstock.com
    In-Post Image: Shutterstock.com & Mahoganygirl.blogspot.com


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

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