Could an Obese Dad’s Sperm Pass Traits to Child?

Obesity is a condition where a person has got excess body fat which is usually determined by genetics and environmental factors. These factors are difficult to control simply by dieting alone.

Health experts classify those who have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more to be obese. BMI is the basis by which a person’s obesity is measured.

Obesity is a health hazard because it predisposes people to a number of health problems like hypertension, heart disease and lack of sleep to name just a few. Unfortunately not many people who have it even realize that they have it.

Obesity and Genetics

There has been debate amongst health experts as to whether there is a link between obesity and genetics. There are some health professionals who have made claims that men who are obese can pass their genes containing obesity traits to their kids.

This may be true based on a recent study that has suggested that overweight men can possibly pass obesity traits to their children.


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

Children of obese men according to the study are at a great risk of obesity as a result of the genetic changes that their farter’s sperm carries.

The scientists involved in the study found out that the sperm of obese men have genetic markers with the potential of affecting the brain development and appetite control. This was quite different in the sperm of men who have lean bodies.

If these studies are anything to go by then it would be advisable that overweight men try slimming before deciding to have babies in order for them to be able to get healthy children.

Genetics May Increase The Risk Of Obesity in a Child

Based on research conducted by experts, the risk of obesity in a person is greatly influenced by inherited genes and the environment that they live in.

Up to 70 percent of reported cases of obesity, genetics was cited as the number one contributing factor. This can be explained by the study which found that obese men had the potential of passing on traits via their sperms genes linked with appetite control.

What are Some of The Risks Associated with Obesity?

Obesity is a very unfortunate health condition that needs to be avoided at all costs. Those who are already obese should also try to figure out ways they can help remedy their conditions because it comes with numerous health risks.


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

Obese people are in a great risk of developing some of these adverse medical conditions: high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis, stroke, gallbladder disease, respiratory problems, a number of cancers(endometrial and colon), and Sleep apnea.

The Causes of Obesity

There are several factors attributed to cause obesity either directly or indirectly. Some of the top contributing factors to obesity include behavior, genetics, and environment.

How The Three Factors Above Contribute to Obesity?

Behavior – With today’s fast-paced world where time to most people means money people can easily take up unhealthy behaviors.

In the case of obesity, behavior is related to food choices, amount of physical activities, and the effort a person puts to maintain his or her health.

Unlike in the past where people did not consume more calories, people are now consuming more and more calories that have lead to a decrease in the amount of nutrients required for a healthy diet.

As people continue to consume more calories they are at the same time not expending these calories with adequate physical activities. Technological gadgets like computers and television sets are also to blame for discouraging people from engaging in beneficial physical activities needed to ensure lean bodies.

Environment – The environment that an individual lives in plays an important role in defining his lifestyle and habits. There are several environmental factors that influence a person’s health decisions.

Today’s society has made it easy for most people to develop a more sedentary lifestyle. With the availability of cars, trains, and motorbikes many people have replaced their physical activity like for instance walking to the supermarket with driving there. Healthy and nutritious foods have on the other hand been replaced with fast foods that are regarded as convenient.

Genetics – Scientific research has proven that genetics influences obesity. Genes have been found to create certain disorders that result in obesity.


Scientific research has now confirmed that indeed genetics also plays a role in a child’s risk of becoming obese. The research found out that sperms of men who are obese passed the traits to their kids.


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

The finding confirmed the reasons why it is more common to see obese parents bearing children who also later turn out to be overweight.

According to the researches, obese men can try to help the situation by shedding some weight before they can decide to have babies.

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