Sexual Abstinence: What You Really Need To Know

An Overview of Sexual Abstinence

Sex is one of the most exciting things for human beings. Most of the men are extremely excited after they hear the word “sex”. According to the study[1], men are more interested towards physical sexual gratification in comparison to women.

Even though men are more interested towards physical sexual gratification, there are many cases of sexual abstinence among men. Now, the question is whether staying away from sexual intercourse is good for men are not. We will discuss this issue in depth in the upcoming sections of this article.

Is Sexual Abstinence Bad for Men?

The truth is that there is no physiological damage of staying away from sex for men for some time. No one has died from sexual abstinence. The sexual abstinence will not lead to dangerous health conditions, such as heart diseases, cancer, and so on. Instead, you will be safe from various sexually transmitted diseases if you stay away from sex.

Here is an important question. How about staying away from sex for a long period of time? If you really want to have a sexual intercourse, it’s recommended that you have a sexual intercourse. However, a man staying away from sexual intercourse despite having a strong desire to have a sex is very low.

What Happens when a Man Stays Away from Sex for a Long Period of Time?

Stay Away from Sex
First of all, you need to understand that sex is one of the basic needs of human beings. Secondly, there are many health benefits of sexual intercourse. Some of the health benefits of sex are enhanced heart health, pain relief, lower blood pressure, improved sleep, stress relief, and so on.


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

The man who stays away from sex for a long period of time is deprived of all the amazing health benefits of sex. When a man stays away from sex for a long period of time, he is not only depriving himself of the amazing health benefits of sex, but he is also increasing the risk of many adverse health conditions.

The long abstinence of sex can lead to various disorders, such as reduced libido, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and so on. Older men will have comparatively difficult time restoring their sexual functions after staying away from sex for a long period of time.

Moreover, the long sexual abstinence will also lead to various changes in the hormones in a man’s body. This change in hormones often leads to various unwanted conditions, such as obesity, skin problems, psychological disorders, and other various disorders.

A man slowly starts becoming passive and apathetic when he stays away from sex for a long period of time. The study[2] has shown that the sexual abstinence can also increase the risk of depression. There is a rare chance that the lack of satisfactory sexual intercourse can even change the man’s sexual orientation.

What are Some of the Reasons for Sexual Abstinence?

Low libido Check
One of the major causes of sexual abstinence among young men is due to lack of serious relationship with a woman. Younger men are often found to have uncontrolled sexual behavior and a strong desire for sexual experimentation.

However, the case with the older group of men is different than younger men. An older man wants stability and regularity in his sex life, instead of sexual experimentation. Here are some of the most common causes of sexual abstinence among married men.


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

1. Low libido

The problem of low libido is very common among men. According to the study[3], the level of testosterone gradually starts to decrease with age. This is the reason why it’s recommended for men to conduct a regular testosterone level test.

A lack of testosterone is often the root cause of a low sex drive. If the lack of having a sexual intercourse starts to decrease further over the period of time, men often suffer from depression. In order to maintain an optimum level of sex drive, it’s important for men to always keep their sex life interesting and keep their health intact.

2. Problems among Couples

There are many reasons for problems among couples. Some of the common causes of relationship problems are lack of mutual understanding, conflicts, and lack of enough sexual stimulation. There are cases of couples having a really hard time understanding each other due to various reasons.

If you are finding it too hard to understand each other, it’s recommended that you consult a specialist for a solution. A consultation with a specialist along with a smooth communication can often solve various types of problems and conflicts among couples.

3. Potency Problems

There are various types of sexual disorders that are seen among men. Among various sexual disorders, an erectile dysfunction is the most common sexual disorder among men. This sexual disorder has literally ruined the sex life of millions of men all over the world. It is also one of the major causes of an unsatisfied sex life.

In some cases, the problem of the sexual disorder is associated with the modern lifestyle. However, the good news is that there are tons of natural and artificial treatment methods that can help men deal with their sexual disorders. Viagra is one of the most common and effective drugs that is used by men to counter an erectile dysfunction.

What are the Some Other Causes of Sexual Abstinence?

Causes of Sexual Abstinence

  • Legal Causes: There are nations, such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, Kuwait, and others, which have made sex outside of marriage illegal.
  • Social/Religious Causes: The societal norms are particularly driven by religious beliefs. There are many conservative societies that consider premarital sex as a taboo. Talking about religious beliefs, the religions, such as Judaism, Islam, and Christianity forbid premarital sex.

Talking about Hinduism, there is a tradition called Brahmacharya, which emphasizes on staying away from sexual intercourse throughout the life for connecting with gods and higher power.

Read Next: How Important Is Sex in a Healthy Relationship?


There are tons of health benefits of maintaining an active sex life, whereas there are tons of negative impacts of sexual abstinence in men, as we’ve discussed above. The sexual abstinence does not only impact the health of men, but also their overall relationship and career.


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

The study has shown that the lack of sexual frequency is one of the most common reasons for divorce. Although it is true that sexual abstinence is not always bad, in most of the cases, it’s not good for people to stay away from sex. If you are having problems with your sex life, it’s recommended that you consult a doctor to get solutions to your problems.

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