Sex Life of A Wife: What Happens After Giving A Birth To A Child

Love is often described as something magical – an emotion that cannot be fully explained. With love comes sexual intercourse, an intimate activity that two people share. Through sexual intercourse, both individuals involved in a relationship experience intimate emotions, as well as pleasure and satisfaction.

We should, of course, also not fail to mention the fact that the primary method of reproducing and becoming pregnant is also through sexual intercourse – when the man ejaculates in the women, his sperm travels toward her egg, fertilizes it and she becomes pregnant. For many people, becoming parents is another magical event in their lives, but there are quite a lot of men who are concerned about how this journey will affect wive’s sex life.

In this post, we want to focus on the topic of sexual intercourse following birth. This has become a very important question asked by men who have a wife that is currently pregnant.

They are unsure about how giving birth will affect their ability to have sex with their female partner. We are going to take a look at what men have said about sex after pregnancy in the past, and consider why it is usually not possible to immediately return to sex after a woman has given birth.

Sex after Birth – What Men say?

Sex After Birth
To better understand how pregnancy and having a wife that has given birth recently affects the wive’s sex life, we would like to take a look at a post published on Men’s Health[1] by Colton Bishop.


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

Colton explains how he thought that wive’s sex life would remain the same as it was prior to his wife giving birth, but once the baby has arrived, things didn’t turn out as he expected. For the first three months, Colton had to wait for his wife’s vagina to heal thoroughly due to the damage that was dealt during childbirth.

Even after that first three months, Colton explains that returning to sex wasn’t like it used to be, and that it took a considerably longer period of time for them to gain back that “spark” that they had previously in the bedroom.

Colton continues to explain that he consulted with some friends, and it seems like they too had issues with returning to wive’s sex life after their wives have given birth – and the issues that were mentioned did not all relate to the woman’s vagina having to heal after the trauma it has gone through during the birth of the couple’s child.

What to know about Sexual Intercourse after Pregnancy?

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There are numerous factors that a man should take into consideration when trying to determine why sex may be an activity that could be hard to get back to after becoming a new parent.

Kevin Klein recently provided his insights into the facts that need to be considered after childbirth on babble[2]. He explains that one of the most important factors that men need to take into account is the physiology involved in childbirth – during pregnancy and even once the child has been delivered, the female body goes through a variety of changes.

This can cause discomfort to the woman, as well as pain symptoms. During childbirth, the vagina of the woman is also damaged – this intimate part of the female body requires time to thoroughly heal.


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

Apart from the fact that the female body goes through various changes after childbirth, it should be noted that the new baby takes a lot of time and effort to look after. Both the man and the woman need to step in and take care of the new baby.

Newborns can be quite demanding, and this can be tiring and lead to exhaustion. Stress continues to pile up with this factor kept in mind, and the fact that a newborn baby tend to cost a lot of money also leads to financial worries.

Ultimately, the added stress causes a dip in the woman’s libido, making her desire sexual intercourse less – men are also prone to suffer from a low libido for the first few months after they have become a new parent.

How can you still have enjoyable Sex after Childbirth?

Enjoyable Sex
Even though it may seem like wive’s sex life will not be on the table for many months after childbirth, it is important to note that, with effort and consideration from the man’s side, things in the bedroom can start to return to how they were prior to the newborn entering the lives of the couple.

According to[3], it is vital to wait at least six weeks after the child has been born before participating in sexual intercourse – this is to avoid possible complications and to avoid hurting the female companion during sex.

After this time, however, a few moves may help to get the woman into the mood again and make sex an important part of the couple’s lives again. Here is a couple of tips that may be useful for having sex after childbirth:

Men should not force sex on the woman as this may cause distress and emotional problems. Rather wait until she is ready, and then start to make moves.

Be supportive during the first few months after the woman has given birth. Men should try to listen better and try to be more understanding. This will help to keep the woman calm and know that she has someone that is there for her in her time of need.

Men should also try to help out wherever they can. Women can quickly become exhausted from taking care of that newborn baby, so men should try to do some chores around the house that are usually done by the woman. This will lighten the amount of work they have to attend to, giving them more time to relax and reducing their exhaustion.

newborn mom dad 4


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

During the time of recovery from the childbirth, it is important for men to spend time with their female companion in other ways than sex. Give them a back massage or a foot rub, watch a romantic movie with them – there are many options that will make them feel special and loved.

When the man notices the time for sex to become part of their lives again is drawing closer, he should learn some new moves in the bedroom. The woman has gone through many biological changes during pregnancy, her breasts may be tender from breastfeeding and she may still be experiencing changes in her hormone levels – this means that what turned her on before may not be the most appropriate sex moves right now.

Ultimately, it is important for men to take things slow. Even when that day comes when sex is on the table again, things should be taken one step at a time, and not rushed. Even though the entire situation may seem somewhat uncomfortable at that specific moment, it is important to remember that everything will gradually start to fall back into place.

Read Next: Female Sexual Arousal – What You Really Need To Know


Even though sexual intercourse plays a significant role in the relationship of many couples, becoming parents may have a considerable impact on the wive’s sex life. A lot of men find that they are unable to participate in sexual intercourse with their female companion soon after she has given birth.

There are numerous reasons why this is often the case. Men are advised to be considerate during this time, realize what their wife is going through and also take into account additional issues that may be impairing their sex lives. By realizing and understanding all of these contributing factors, a better plan-of-action can be implemented in order to help the couple overcome issues that may be causing them to avoid having sex and get both partners back into bed sooner.

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