Although estrogen is usually referred to as a female hormone, men have it as well. Teenagers and young men have high levels of testosterone and low levels of estrogen. As you start aging, and due to other factors, testosterone levels start decreasing while estrogen increases. Typically, high estrogen is closely associated with low testosterone and leads to various health issues affecting men. The good thing is that you can decrease estrogen in a natural manner and this article will help you achieve that in an entirely naturalmanner.
Do I Have High Estrogen?
The biggest problem here is that most men do not even realize they have high estrogen levels because they don’t know the symptoms associated with this problem. In order to boost testosterone and lower estrogen, it is mandatory to learn about different signs and symptoms. They are:
- Decreased morning erections
- Depression and other emotional disturbances
- Enlarged breasts
- Erectile dysfunction
- Fatigue
- Fertility problems
- Increased body fat
- Loss of muscle mass
- Low libido
- Lower urinary tract symptoms associated with BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia)
Do you experience all or a majority of these symptoms? The chances are high the levels of estrogen are elevated. Not to worry, though! These tips will help you out boost your testosterone easily.
1. Try To Decrease Body Fat
One of the most common symptoms of low testosterone and high estrogen is an accumulation of body fat, particularly in the abdominal area. Therefore, to establish the adequate balance of hormones and lower estrogen presence, working to decrease body fat is of extreme importance.
A study whose findings were published in the journal Aging Male discovered that estrogen levels are strongly associated with body fat mass in men, primarily with subcutaneous abdominal fat.
Body fat has a negative impact on your hormone levels and this effect isn’t only associated with men who are obese. Evidence shows that for every gained fat pound, the aromatase enzyme activity increases, thus leading to a higher rate of testosterone being converted to estrogen. A great way to lower body fat is to exercise regularly. Exercise is a well-known method of boosting testosterone levels.
2. Avoid Using Plastic Bottles
We use plastic bottles and containers on a daily basis but they are bad news for testosterone levels. Many chemicals usedin the production of these bottles are Xenoestrogens and Antiandrogens i.e. they are structurally similar to estrogen. They bind to estrogen receptors and cause feminizing effects while suppressing the production of testosterone.
The two most common compounds found in plastic bottles and containers are BPA (bisphenol A) and phthalates, both of which are associated with higher levels of estrogen and lower testosterone. A growing body of evidence confirms that exposure to BPA lowers testosterone production in men and some studies also found that this chemical lowers sperm counts. Moreover, a study from the Human Reproduction found that exposure to BPA has an adverse effect on male sexual dysfunction.
The Toxicology Letters features a study which discovered that BPA exposure causes reduction of testosterone by negatively affecting testis and pituitary systems similar to estradiol. It is safe to conclude that in order to lower estrogen, you should also limit exposure to plastic bottles and containers.
3. Limit Intake Of Polyunsaturated Fats
Men who want to restore a hormonal balance and ensure testosterone is in charge again instead of estrogen should limit consumption of polyunsaturated fats. They are well-known for their impact on your hormones. Unlike monounsaturated and saturated fats which are stable in the body, polyunsaturated fats are more prone to lipid peroxidation in the presence of heat, light, and oxygen. Basically, they go rancid in your body quickly and lead to oxidative damage and hormonal disturbance.
One study found that consumption of polyunsaturated fat is inversely associated with testosterone levels, meaning you should make a few diet tweaks to consume lower amounts of these fats.
4. Limit Consumption Of Estrogenic Food Sources
Some foods contain estrogenic compounds and, thus, directly impact the hormone levels in your body. These foods usually contain phytoestrogens (estrogen-like compounds found in plants) or mycoestrogens (a type of estrogenic fungi).
Estrogenic compounds in food work through estrogen receptors alpha and beta. For example, one study found that increased intake of phytoestrogens led to lower levels of testosterone and they also alter prostate weight.
An important aspect of lowering estrogen is limiting the consumption of estrogenic food sources. They include:
- Dried fruits
- Flaxseed
- Soy foods and products
- Sesame seeds
- Chickpeas
- Beans
- Peas
- Alfalfa sprouts
- Bran cereals
At the same time, you should up the consumption of estrogen-suppressing foods such as red grapes, cruciferous vegetables, mushrooms, green tea, whole grains, and pomegranates.
5. Try Out Dietary Supplements
A well-balanced diet is an important part of a healthy lifestyle including hormone balance. In order to support testosterone and lower estrogen levels, men need a wide array of nutrients. The problem is that we rarely obtain necessary amounts from the diet. This is where dietary supplements step in. These products come with an all-natural formula and deliver much-needed ingredients to enhance production of testosterone while suppressing estrogen.
For example, Vitamin E plays an important role in hormone production; it is a fat-soluble antioxidant that prevents lipid peroxidation and complications that would come with it. When looking for nutritional supplements, you should also ensure the product contains zinc which is vital for testosterone production. Studies show that level of zinc in the body is strongly associated with testosterone. Other ingredients to look for are tongkatali, boron, tribulusterrestris, resveratrol, grape seed extract, just to name a few.
6. Take Care Of Your Liver
The liver is important for the endocrine system health because it flushes toxins and estrogen from your bloodstream. When the liver doesn’t work properly it retains estrogen which is why the levels of this hormone can enhance quickly. In order to improve liver health, you should:
- Eat smaller, lighter, nutrient-dense meals
- Avoid consumption of junk food and other foods that jeopardize liver health
- Consume detoxifying foods such as apples, avocados, leafy green vegetables, onions, garlic, etc.
- Limit sugar intake
- Eat plenty of Vitamin C
- Avoid late-night snacks
7. Check The Ingredient List Of Personal Care Products
Personal care products like shampoos, moisturizers, and soaps contain estrogenic chemicals, which is why you should check the ingredient list and eliminate all those items that come with these compounds. Estrogenic compounds usually show up on the label in the form of parabens such as methyl, butyl, ethyl, propyl, heptyl, and others. For example, a study from the Food and Chemical Toxicology found that propyl exposure not only decreased testosterone but sperm count as well.
As men age, the levels of estrogen start increasing while testosterone gradually declines. This leads to a wide array of symptoms including fat accumulation, lower sex drive, and problems with erections. Getting a bigger muscle mass or losing fat require suppressing estrogen and increasing the production of testosterone. Fortunately, you can achieve this goal with simple lifestyle modifications.