Apple Cider Vinegar – Is It Safe & Effective for Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction or impotence as it is sometimes referred to as, is a condition that affects men. Any man suffering from the condition may not be able to achieve an erection or even maintain an erection sufficient enough to engage in meaningful sexual intercourse.

This condition can affect any man at any age but is usually common in elderly men past the age of 50. The problem has become widespread perhaps due to the current lifestyles that people are living. If not checked and dealt with early enough it can cause problems in a relationship. In order to deal with the problem its causes must be understood and dealt with accordingly.

Men need to understand that erectile dysfunction is not a disease or anything like that. Erectile dysfunction is usually just a sign of an underlying problem you may be having that may be even more serious.

There are certain common medical conditions that may cause the problem such as type II diabetes, high levels of cholesterol, high blood pressure, or a problem with the prostate. The two most common precursors to erectile dysfunction in almost all cases of the problem are insufficient blood circulation and not enough testosterone in the body.

The medical conditions mentioned above that cause the problem often lead to insufficient blood circulation and a decline in testosterone levels in the body.


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

With regards to the points mentioned above if you are suffering from erectile dysfunction you have enough reason to suspect that you may be a victim of either of the medical conditions talked about above. Even worse is the fact that medication used to treat such ailments have also been found to negatively affect a man’s erectile dysfunction condition.

How can a man Deal with Erectile Dysfunction then?

Erectile dysfunction can be treated by two methods which are through medical treatment and also through natural remedy which can be done just at home. Treatment for the condition at home via the natural means remains that best available option as it is absolutely safe and affordable too.

First, let us look at the medical treatment options for erectile dysfunction.

Medical Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction

The medical treatment options available for erectile dysfunction may not be great to many men out there. For starters there are three different approaches to go for which are; male organ prosthesis, the male organ pump, or implant. These processes often offer permanent and irreversible results but may be quite expensive to men opting for them but are on a budget.

Another option that a man experiencing erectile dysfunction could opt for is the vascular reconstructive surgery. This is often conducted to try and enhance blood flow to the male cock but is not often guaranteed to work. It must be noted that while the procedure is time-consuming and may also not work it also so expensive and may also leave you with physical visible marks.

There is also another approach which involves synthetic hormonal therapy which may work but also comes with risks too. One of such risks off course is the risk of heart disease and the risk of prostate cancer. Well, as you consider this option you have to be ready to face the mentioned risks that accompany it.


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

The other option you could take is the pharmaceutical route which involves the use of sexual enhancement pills such as Viagra or Cialis. These too also have their own measure of limitations and risks such as severe side effects like headache, the risk of heart attack, stroke, memory loss, and so many more problems.

What all this means is that all the medical treatment options currently available for erectile dysfunction may not be safe and practical. Fortunately there are several natural approaches that can be used to help alleviate the problem without any causing any side effects. These can safely be done just at home without the affected man necessarily having to go to the hospital. What is even more interesting about these home remedies is that they are really cheap and affordable and can just be used by anybody.

Some of the home remedies that can help to alleviate erectile dysfunction include; the use of boron, apple cider vinegar, magnesium, L- Arginine, Cayenne pepper, Macca root, Panax Ginseng, Tribulus terrestris, Zinc, Niacin, exercising to lose weight and alleviating stress.

How to use Apple Cider Vinegar to alleviate Erectile Dysfunction at Home (ACV)?

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best natural home remedies for erectile dysfunction. ACV helps to remedy various ailments and erectile dysfunction is just one of the health problems ACV treats. It is beneficial to use apple cider vinegar to treat erectile dysfunction because it works rather fast. Apple cider vinegar does not in itself treat the condition by instead treats the ailments that cause the condition such as high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, and prostatitis.

ACV functions by lessening the pain and inflammation of the prostate gland and also repairs the damaged blood vessels and nerve fibers found in the male cock. Other recent scientific research findings also indicate that apple cider vinegar help to elevate testosterone levels in the body thus alleviating erectile dysfunction. ACV is also a good natural weight loss product!

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