Erectile Dysfunction Sex Therapy – Things You Must Know

We may always have visualized sex as hot and easy, making it look like everyone but you are having the best out of improving their sex lives. While this can be true for some couples, a lot of couples especially older ones face menopause and andropause, other health issues which potentially shut down sex. This only goes to show that you’re not the only one having these problems.

In certain circumstances, there are some sexual issues that can be easily fixed. However, some can be serious and may need sex dysfunction therapy, and you shouldn’t wait long enough to address these problems.

What is Erectile Dysfunction Sex Therapy?

Erectile Dysfunction Sex Therapy

Sex therapy is a type of psychotherapy or counseling performed by a sex therapist. Normally, the whole duration of the treatment lasts up to 20 sessions depending on the severity of the concerns and the patient’s response to the treatment.

Generally, sex therapy aims to address issues about male sexual health, sexual function, sexual intimacy and unusual feelings towards sex. It can be done as an individual treatment or a joint treatment involving your partner.

Sex therapy can also address issues of erectile dysfunction if a man is generally healthy, has normal laboratory results and it’s able to achieve an erection during sleep. In common cases of erectile dysfunction caused by stress, sex therapy may also be the best option especially if the problems root from financial problems, work stress, relationship conflicts and poor sexual communication.


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

How Sex Therapy Works?

Sex therapy can be provided by a sex therapist, social worker or a health care provider who has special training and expertise in sex and relationships.

Usually, sex therapy is just a short term counseling in which, patients are given assignments to be done at home such as:

  • Reading about sexuality
  • Performing touching exercises to overcome pressure and fear of performing sex.
  • Practicing better communication with your sexual partner.

Studies show that men experiencing signs and symptoms of ED related to stress performs better in the treatment when their partners willingly involve themselves as part of the treatment. Mostly, a joint treatment shows a 50%-70% success rate of resolving erectile dysfunction compared to men who undergo the treatment alone. Additionally, men who prematurely withdraw themselves from the treatment after several sessions are unlikely to be successful from addressing their sexual health problems.

Sometimes, sexual counseling also helps couple to choose treatment plans appropriate to reat erectile dysfunction, whether these may be a surgical or non-surgical option. It also helps couples to improve their love making and communication skills.

Individually, sex therapy guides men on how to talk to their sexual partners regarding penile injections and/or a vacuum constriction device, which are both treatment for erectile dysfunction.

Is Sex Therapy Covered by Health Insurance?

Sometimes, health insurance covers several natural treatments for erectile dysfunction which include sex therapy. You can directly ask your selected therapist regarding your concerns for health insurance and payment. If it’s not covered by your health insurance, a lot of therapists adjust their professional fees to an affordable rate. If you must, look for sex therapy clinics as they offer more affordable rates over private therapists.


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

Basically, the whole duration of a sex therapy program costs around $600-$2,300, but may vary depending on the nature of your concerns and the treatment involved and your response to their treatment.

Where Can I Find A Sex Therapist?

Call your health care provider and ask if he can refer you to a licensed sex therapist. Another best option is to contact your local hospital or medical clinic and check to see if they have a sex therapy clinic available there.

There are actually a lot of ways you can do to find a registered sex therapist. You can also look for it at professional organization websites and check if they have a qualified sex therapist for you.

Before you schedule a visit, make sure to ask and determine if your selected sex therapist is the best fit for you. Ask for their experience and education, their proposed treatment plan, and their fees and insurance.

Furthermore, before your first visit, make a list of your sexual concerns, including when it has started, when it usually occurs or triggers, the treatment plans you’ve tried and other professionals you’ve seen. Don’t forget to include in the list all the common medications you’re taking, including their doses and all the questions you plan to ask so you won’t forget all of them when you’re finally there.

What to Expect?

Initially, sex therapy begins by describing your concerns with a sex therapist. It can be a little awkward at first to discuss it with your therapist but they are trained to help you become comfortable and at ease with your situation. He may ask you to elaborate and discuss all the possible factors involving your sexual problems. Once your therapist fully understands your situation, he may now start to lay out treatment plans appropriate for your condition. As stated above, it is important to involve your partner in the treatment if you’re in relationship.

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