10 Superb Ways of Adding Some Spice To Get The Most of Erotic Sex

Life throws many responsibilities and pressure at us every single day, and it is normal, in the middle of all this, to feel out of the mood when it is time to get intimate with your lover. If you want to have a better time in bed, but simply find yourself uninterested or not as excited as you and your partner want, these ten ways will help you become more responsive to sex.

1. Get to Know Yourself

People place too much pressure on their sexual partners; they expect them to know what to do and when to do it. Indeed, listening to nonverbal cues is a gift that comes in very handy during time spent in bed, but can you really expect your sexual partner to know you better than you know yourself? Getting familiar with your own body and with the things that feel good to you.

With this knowledge, you will be able to guide your partner verbally or non-verbally to the things you know you will enjoy, and you will be more responsive and happy in bed.

Not only that, but masturbation has been linked with several health benefits. One Harvard University study[1] showed that frequent ejaculation, five times a week, decreases prostate cancer chances, regardless of whether it was a result of sex or masturbation. In women, masturbation increases blood flow to the pelvic region decreasing cramps.

2. Don’t Lie

Dont Lie
Being frank with your partner about things you like or dislike is of paramount importance. If you have a fantasy you have been aching to try, discuss it with your partner and see how they feel about it.


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

More importantly, if your partner has a preference they take up during sex that gets you out of the mood, no matter how subtle, be honest about it. They sure would rather have you responsive and happy.

3. Talk More

Being vocal about your needs and preferences is simple enough. Unfortunately, most people are reluctant to directly ask for what they want in the bedroom. Whether you want more foreplay, more quality time outside the bedroom to fee more comfortable later, or if you are getting bored and need to switch things up, be frank with your partner.

Don’t worry, they will be glad you communicated your feelings[2], because they will automatically know that with these tips you gave them, they are looking to even better times in bed with you in the future.

4. Manage Your Stress

Manage Your Stress
Not only is stress physically and mentally harmful is so many different ways, it also catches up with you in the bedroom. Nothing makes you more self conscious and less able to get in the mood than stress. Lower sexual activity, in turn, leads to more stress, according to this study[3], completing a cycle of stress and low sexual drive.

Go for a leisurely stroll, take a hot relaxing bath, use soothing scented oils, or meditate. One drink can also help you relax, but be sure to keep things at that, because heavy drinking can actually have a counter productive effect.

5. Eat Better

Foods that increase blood flow can be beneficial when it comes to sex life. Add omega 3 rich foods such as salmon and avocado to your diet, and stock up on fruits and vegetables that also stimulate blow flow like onions, garlic and spicy food.


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

6. Don’t Skip Cardio

Couple Swimming
This one is a no brainer. If you want to be up and running for a longer period of time without getting tired, then you should work on your cardiovascular fitness. Go for regular runs, do indoor or outdoor cycling or go swimming; the type of activity is up to you as long as it gets your heart rate up.

You will see the results in the bedroom and in other areas of your life. A little hint: post work our euphoria is known to get many people in the mood and can help you be more responsive in bed.

7. Do Yoga

Doing yoga is a very effective way in improving sex life from several areas for both males and females, including responsiveness. This study[4] investigated the effects of 12 weeks’ yoga sessions on the sexual functions of 40 females with ages ranging from 22 to 35.

After the 12 weeks period, the sexual functions showed significant improvement in desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction and pain.

Similarly, another study[5] investigated the effects of 12 weeks of yoga on the sexual functions of 65 males of 24 – 60 years of age, and the results also significant improvement in desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction and pain after the completion of the 12 weeks of yoga.

8. Build Anticipation

Build Anticipation
Oftentimes, sex turns out to be as good as the rush and excitement preceding it. To be as responsive as possible in the bedroom, cash in the benefits of a slow simmering anticipation. Foreplay is too late in the game; start earlier.

Sexting is a great way to build up heat slowly throughout the day, and you can also prepare a sexy outfit to wear and give your partner a sneak peak, or you can get creative with things you want to try and drop hints for your lover. Let the heat slowly build up leasing to a reveal that will sure have you both responding to each other’s every touch.

9. Spice Up Your Reading List

If you find your sex life in a rut, may be it is time to implement some new ideas and techniques in the bedroom. You can read up on erotica, or you can take inspiration from romantic erotically charge novels. Read alone to see what settings and feelings make you more responsive, or read with your partner to get in the mood.

10. Be Adventurous

Be Adventurous
With enough adventurous ideas from your reading, and good knowledge of your body, you are now armed to try new things with confidence.

Has your partner been suggesting something you often declined, but you now feel up to trying? Have you been fantasizing about something once and again during your time alone with yourself? Feel free to bring all this passion into the bedroom.


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

Just make sure that all parties involved agree on what they want to try and what their limits are, and are comfortable with going ahead with this bedroom adventure.

Read More: Not Lasting Long Enough In Bed? Then Give These 10 Exercises for Better Sex

Some supplements to help you with your sexual health:

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Pleasure and responsiveness during sex rely on various factors, both mental and physical, and also on communication with your partner. The ten suggestions above will help you tackle any problems in any of these areas and become more responsive during sex, and more satisfied. You might check for some other testosterone boosters like Prime Test which might be helpful to perform more better in bed.

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Feature Image: Shutterstock.com
In-Post Image: Shutterstock.com

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